If you're not satisfied with the way BlogJet inserts text when you click BlogJet This! button in Internet Explorer, you can change the template for this action.

The default template is:

<p><a href="{$ .URL $}">{$ .Title $}</a></p>
<p><em>{$ .Text $}</em></p>

and in WYSIWYG editor it shows as:


BlogJet is a desktop blogging application that greatly simplifies posting to your blog. It is user-friendly, easy to use and elegant.

If you want to change the template, find C:\Program Files\BlogJet\Data\Templates\blogthis.htm file and edit it. Here are a few variables that you can use:

{$ .URL $} - page URL
{$ .Title $} - page title
{$ .Text $} - selected text

Let's change the default template to:

<p>Check this out:</p>

<blockquote>{$ .Text $}</blockquote>

<p>(via <a href="{$ .URL $}">{$ .Title $}, {$ .URL $}</a>)</p> 

Now if you click BlogJet This! you'll get the following layout:

Check this out:

BlogJet is a desktop blogging application that greatly simplifies posting to your blog. It is user-friendly, easy to use and elegant.

(via BlogJet, http://blogjet.com/)